
Grain yield and its associations with pre-harvest sprouting in wheat

This study aimed to evaluate direct and indirect effects of agronomic traits importance on grain yield with focus in pre-harvest sprouting. Experiment was conducted in 2017 crop season, and conducted in a randomized block design, with three …

Parcelamento e fontes de nitrog\^enio na qualidade fisiol\'ogica de sementes de trigo

Diferentes fontes e manejos parcelados de nitrog\^enio podem aumentar a disponibilidade, a absor\cc\~ao e a assimila\cc\~ao deste nutriente pelas plantas, favorecendo o ac\'umulo de N nos gr\~aos. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a influ\^encia destes …

Path analysis of grain yield associated characters in brazilians wheat genotypes (triticum aestivum l.)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the phenotypic interrelation among agronomic characters associated with wheat grain yield of the main Brazilian cultivated genotypes through path analysis in two environments. The tests were conducted in Tenente …

Splitting and nitrogen sources in the physiological quality of wheat seed

textcopyright 2017 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. All rightd reserved. Different sources and nitrogen management (N) may increase the availability, absorption, and assimilation of this nutrient by plants, favoring the N accumulation in …

Efeitos de enxofre e nitrog\^enio na qualidade industrial e no rendimento de gr\~aos de trigo

The consumer market's demand and requirement for wheat grains which present a satisfactory industrial quality have driven the demand for enhanced cropping systems, especially related to nutritional aspects. In this context, the purpose of this …

Rendimento e qualidade de panifica\cc\~ao da cultivar brs 220 em fun\cc\~ao do nitrog\^enio