metan v1.6.0 on CRAN

I’m so excited to announce that the latest version of the R package metan is now on CRAN. This is a minor release (v1.6.0) that includes new features and some minor improvements.

New functions

  • Smith_Hazel() and and for computing the Smith and Hazel selection index.

The Smith-Hazel index is computed with the function Smith_Hazel(). Users can compute the index either by declaring known genetic and phenotypic variance-covariance matrices or by using as inpute data, a model fitted with the function gamem(). In this case, the variance-covariance are extracted internally. The economic weights in the argument weights are set by default to 1 for all traits.

# Registered S3 method overwritten by 'GGally':
#   method from   
#   ggplot2
# []=====================================================[]
# [] Multi-Environment Trial Analysis (metan) v1.6.0     []
# [] Author: Tiago Olivoto                               []
# [] Type citation('metan') to know how to cite metan    []
# [] Type vignette('metan_start') for a short tutorial   []
# [] Visit for a complete tutorial []
# []=====================================================[]
mod <- gamem(data_g, GEN, REP, starts_with("N"))
# Method: REML/BLUP
# Random effects: GEN
# Fixed effects: REP
# Denominador DF: Satterthwaite's method
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# P-values for Likelihood Ratio Test of the analyzed traits
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#     model     NR   NKR     NKE
#  Complete     NA    NA      NA
#  Genotype 0.0056 0.216 0.00952
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Variables with nonsignificant Genotype effect
# NKR 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
smith <- Smith_Hazel(mod)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Index coefficients
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # A tibble: 3 x 3
#   VAR         b gen_weights
#   <chr>   <dbl>       <dbl>
# 1 NR    -11.84            1
# 2 NKR    -9.435           1
# 3 NKE     1.184           1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Genetic worth
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#    GEN        V1
# 1  H13 142.80619
# 2  H12 120.77661
# 3   H5 115.19274
# 4  H10  89.29844
# 5   H4  88.90470
# 6   H2  86.49310
# 7  H11  84.25171
# 8   H7  62.30464
# 9   H1  51.99961
# 10  H3  51.26071
# 11  H6  51.16514
# 12  H9  50.52352
# 13  H8  48.31407
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Selection gain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # A tibble: 3 x 8
#   VAR       Xo     Xs      SD  SDperc     h2       SG SGperc
#   <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>
# 1 NR     15.78  16.97  1.189   7.532  0.7359  0.8749  5.543 
# 2 NKR    30.40  30.60  0.1960  0.6448 0.4523  0.08866 0.2916
# 3 NKE   467.9  524.9  56.98   12.18   0.7126 40.61    8.678 
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Phenotypic variance-covariance matrix
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#        NR   NKR  NKE
# NR   1.60  0.13   49
# NKR  0.13  4.75   70
# NKE 48.84 70.12 2782
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Genotypic variance-covariance matrix
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#        NR   NKR  NKE
# NR   1.18 -0.18   37
# NKR -0.18  2.15   35
# NKE 36.60 34.72 1982

Minor improvements

  • get_model_data() now extracts the genotypic and phenotypic variance-covariance matrix from objects of class gamem and waasb.
get_model_data(mod, "gcov")
# Class of the model: gamem
# Variable extracted: gcov
#            NKE        NKR         NR
# NKE 1982.32081 34.7246852 36.5976336
# NKR   34.72469  2.1466667 -0.1839316
# NR    36.59763 -0.1839316  1.1808547
get_model_data(mod, "pcov")
# Class of the model: gamem
# Variable extracted: pcov
#             NR        NKR        NKE
# NR   1.6045584  0.1303704   48.83903
# NKR  0.1303704  4.7459259   70.11889
# NKE 48.8390313 70.1188889 2781.91453
  • fai_blup() now returns the total genetic gain and the list with the ideotypes’ construction.
fai <- fai_blup(mod)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Principal Component Analysis
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#     eigen.values cumulative.var
# PC1   1.97579911       65.85997
# PC2   0.95352008       97.64397
# PC3   0.07068081      100.00000
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Factor Analysis
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#            FA1 comunalits
# NR  -0.7669378  0.5881937
# NKR -0.6510612  0.4238807
# NKE -0.9816949  0.9637248
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Comunalit Mean: 0.6585997 
# Selection differential
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # A tibble: 3 x 9
#   VAR   Factor    Xo    Xs     SD SDperc    h2     SG SGperc
#   <chr>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
# 1 NR         1  15.8  17.4  1.63   10.3  0.736  1.20    7.60
# 2 NKR        1  30.4  31.2  0.814   2.68 0.452  0.368   1.21
# 3 NKE        1 468.  532.  64.0    13.7  0.713 45.6     9.74
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Selected genotypes
# H13 H5
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • mgidi() now computes the genetic gain when a mixed-model is used as input data.
mgidi_index <- mgidi(mod)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Principal Component Analysis
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # A tibble: 3 x 4
#   PC    Eigenvalues `Variance (%)` `Cum. variance (%)`
#   <chr>       <dbl>          <dbl>               <dbl>
# 1 PC1        1.98            65.9                 65.9
# 2 PC2        0.954           31.8                 97.6
# 3 PC3        0.0707           2.36               100  
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Factor Analysis - factorial loadings after rotation-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # A tibble: 3 x 4
#   VAR      FA1 Communality Uniquenesses
#   <chr>  <dbl>       <dbl>        <dbl>
# 1 NR    -0.767       0.588       0.412 
# 2 NKR   -0.651       0.424       0.576 
# 3 NKE   -0.982       0.964       0.0363
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Comunalit Mean: 0.6585997 
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Selection differential 
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # A tibble: 3 x 10
#   VAR   Factor    Xo    Xs     SD SDperc    h2     SG SGperc sense   
#   <chr> <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>   
# 1 NR    FA 1    15.8  17.4  1.63   10.3  0.736  1.20    7.60 increase
# 2 NKR   FA 1    30.4  31.2  0.814   2.68 0.452  0.368   1.21 increase
# 3 NKE   FA 1   468.  532.  64.0    13.7  0.713 45.6     9.74 increase
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Selected genotypes
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# H13 H5
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • The S3 method plot() for objects of class mgidi has a new argument type = "contribution" to plot the contribution of each factor in the MGIDI index.
plot(mgidi_index, type = "contribution")

  • plot_scores() now can produce a biplot showing other axes besides PC1 and PC2. To change the default IPCA in each axis use the new arguments first and second.
ammi <- performs_ammi(data_ge, ENV, GEN, REP, GY)
# variable GY 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AMMI analysis table
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#     Source  Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F) Proportion Accumulated
#        ENV  13 279.574 21.5057   62.33 0.00e+00          .           .
#   REP(ENV)  28   9.662  0.3451    3.57 3.59e-08          .           .
#        GEN   9  12.995  1.4439   14.93 2.19e-19          .           .
#    GEN:ENV 117  31.220  0.2668    2.76 1.01e-11          .           .
#        PC1  21  10.749  0.5119    5.29 0.00e+00       34.4        34.4
#        PC2  19   9.924  0.5223    5.40 0.00e+00       31.8        66.2
#        PC3  17   4.039  0.2376    2.46 1.40e-03       12.9        79.2
#        PC4  15   3.074  0.2049    2.12 9.60e-03        9.8          89
#        PC5  13   1.446  0.1113    1.15 3.18e-01        4.6        93.6
#        PC6  11   0.932  0.0848    0.88 5.61e-01          3        96.6
#        PC7   9   0.567  0.0630    0.65 7.53e-01        1.8        98.4
#        PC8   7   0.362  0.0518    0.54 8.04e-01        1.2        99.6
#        PC9   5   0.126  0.0252    0.26 9.34e-01        0.4         100
#  Residuals 252  24.367  0.0967      NA       NA          .           .
#      Total 536 389.036  0.7258      NA       NA       <NA>        <NA>
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# All variables with significant (p < 0.05) genotype-vs-environment interaction
# Done!
p1 <- plot_scores(ammi, type = 2)
p2 <- plot_scores(ammi, type = 2, second = "PC3")
arrange_ggplot(p1, p2)

Find out more about metan at

Adjunct Professor

I’m an agronomist who loves researching, teaching, and playing guitar. Some of my most important proposals were planned while listening to old Brazilian country music
