metan 1.17.0 is now available!

Image by jplenio from Pixabay

After exactly seven months since the last stable release, I’m chuffed to announce that metan 1.17.0 in now on CRAN. metan was first released on CRAN on 2020/01/14 and since there, 16 stable versions have been released regularly. I’m happy with the package cause today it does much more than it was designed to do. So, from now on, stable versions gonna be launched within a wider time interval, mainly cause I’m now focused on improving the pliman package. Critical bug fixes and minor improvements, however, can be quickly obtained from the dev version.

This new version includes new features and minor improvements, that I’ll dissect below.


# The latest stable version is installed with

# Or the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")

New features

  • This new version includes a new function path_coeff_seq() to implement a sequential (two chains) path analysis (see more details in this blogpost).
# Registered S3 method overwritten by 'GGally':
#   method from   
#   ggplot2
# |=========================================================|
# | Multi-Environment Trial Analysis (metan) v1.17.0        |
# | Author: Tiago Olivoto                                   |
# | Type 'citation('metan')' to know how to cite metan      |
# | Type 'vignette('metan_start')' for a short tutorial     |
# | Visit '' for a complete tutorial |
# |=========================================================|

mod1 <- 
                 resp = KW,
                 chain_1 = c(TKW, NKE, NKR),
                 chain_2 = c(PH, EH, EL, ED, CL, CD))
# ========================================================
# Collinearity diagnosis of first chain predictors
# ========================================================
# Weak multicollinearity. 
# Condition Number: 6.214
# You will probably have path coefficients close to being unbiased. 
# ========================================================
# Collinearity diagnosis of second chain predictors
# ========================================================
# Weak multicollinearity. 
# Condition Number: 66.559
# You will probably have path coefficients close to being unbiased.
#       trait     effects         TKW          NKE         NKR
# 1        PH      direct  0.37945659 -0.004890662 -0.25616717
# 2        PH indirect_EH -0.05289378  0.017147221  0.39976851
# 3        PH indirect_EL  0.03394241  0.115204549  0.07929626
# 4        PH indirect_ED  0.03524760  0.518887963  0.18215663
# 5        PH indirect_CL  0.13816764 -0.189545091 -0.18742353
# 6        PH indirect_CD  0.03461798  0.001576069  0.13541882
# 7        PH      linear  0.56853845  0.458380049  0.35304952
# 8        EH indirect_PH  0.35358835 -0.004557257 -0.23870380
# 9        EH      direct -0.05676344  0.018401697  0.42901525
# 10       EH indirect_EL  0.03237631  0.109889000  0.07563752
# 11       EH indirect_ED  0.03359219  0.494518292  0.17360161
# 12       EH indirect_CL  0.16877378 -0.231532069 -0.22894055
# 13       EH indirect_CD  0.03078957  0.001401771  0.12044283
# 14       EH      linear  0.56235676  0.388121434  0.33105286
# 15       EL indirect_PH  0.14426788 -0.001859410 -0.09739374
# 16       EL indirect_EH -0.02058548  0.006673444  0.15558398
# 17       EL      direct  0.08927609  0.303013563  0.20856678
# 18       EL indirect_ED  0.02052796  0.302196714  0.10608674
# 19       EL indirect_CL  0.10852635 -0.148881721 -0.14721530
# 20       EL indirect_CD  0.10008828  0.004556765  0.39152587
# 21       EL      linear  0.44210108  0.465699355  0.61715434
# 22       ED indirect_PH  0.25094027 -0.003234267 -0.16940715
# 23       ED indirect_EH -0.03577550  0.011597781  0.27038946
# 24       ED indirect_EL  0.03438425  0.116704196  0.08032848
# 25       ED      direct  0.05329928  0.784630768  0.27544616
# 26       ED indirect_CL  0.29636296 -0.406565110 -0.40201446
# 27       ED indirect_CD  0.04277571  0.001947469  0.16733026
# 28       ED      linear  0.64198696  0.505080838  0.22207274
# 29       CL indirect_PH  0.12338593 -0.001590271 -0.08329655
# 30       CL indirect_EH -0.02254607  0.007309035  0.17040208
# 31       CL indirect_EL  0.02280172  0.077391712  0.05326936
# 32       CL indirect_ED  0.03717427  0.547250848  0.19211348
# 33       CL      direct  0.42491573 -0.582920055 -0.57639548
# 34       CL indirect_CD  0.03296855  0.001500974  0.12896657
# 35       CL      linear  0.61870013  0.048942243 -0.11494054
# 36       CD indirect_PH  0.11967718 -0.001542470 -0.08079281
# 37       CD indirect_EH -0.01592282  0.005161893  0.12034384
# 38       CD indirect_EL  0.08140777  0.276307542  0.19018480
# 39       CD indirect_ED  0.02077141  0.305780671  0.10734490
# 40       CD indirect_CL  0.12762923 -0.175087987 -0.17312824
# 41       CD      direct  0.10976213  0.004997191  0.42936812
# 42       CD      linear  0.44332490  0.415616840  0.59332061
# 43       R2          R2  0.56905656  0.515863000  0.56247816
# 44 Residual    Residual  0.65646283  0.695799540  0.66145433

# Coefficients for the primary traits and response

# Coefficients for the secondary traits and response

  • New functions ci_mean_z() and ci_mean_t() to compute z- and t-confidence intervals, respectively. Let’s see how the confidence interval changes depending on the different sample sizes.
df <- data.frame(data = rnorm(n = 20, mean = 30, sd = 10))
m <- mean(df$data)
dp <- sd(df$data)
n <- 20

# t-interval (95%)
qt(0.975, 19) * dp / sqrt(n)
# [1] 4.610762
#       data
# 1 4.610762

# z-interval (95%)
qnorm(0.975) * dp / sqrt(n)
# [1] 4.317642
#       data
# 1 4.317642

# now in a data frame with several traits
# # A tibble: 1 × 15
#       PH     EH      EP    EL    ED    CL    CD    CW    KW    NR   NKR    CDED
#    <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
# 1 0.0528 0.0450 0.00891 0.199 0.437 0.365 0.185 0.990  5.18 0.259 0.548 0.00529
# # … with 3 more variables: PERK <dbl>, TKW <dbl>, NKE <dbl>
  • New function prop_na() to measure the proportion of NAs in each column.
# force 20% of NA in GY
dfna <- data_ge
dfna[sample(1:nrow(dfna), 84), 4] <- NA
#   variable prop
# 1      ENV  0.0
# 2      GEN  0.0
# 3      REP  0.0
# 4       GY  0.2
# 5       HM  0.0
  • New functions remove_cols_all_na() and remove_rows_all_na() to remove columns and rows that have all values as NAs.
dfna$HM <- NA

# see the difference
# Warning: Column(s) GY, HM with NA values deleted.
# # A tibble: 420 × 3
#    ENV   GEN   REP  
#    <fct> <fct> <fct>
#  1 E1    G1    1    
#  2 E1    G1    2    
#  3 E1    G1    3    
#  4 E1    G2    1    
#  5 E1    G2    2    
#  6 E1    G2    3    
#  7 E1    G3    1    
#  8 E1    G3    2    
#  9 E1    G3    3    
# 10 E1    G4    1    
# # … with 410 more rows
# Warning: Column(s) HM with all NA values deleted.
# # A tibble: 420 × 4
#    ENV   GEN   REP      GY
#    <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl>
#  1 E1    G1    1      2.17
#  2 E1    G1    2      2.50
#  3 E1    G1    3     NA   
#  4 E1    G2    1      3.21
#  5 E1    G2    2      2.93
#  6 E1    G2    3      2.56
#  7 E1    G3    1      2.77
#  8 E1    G3    2      3.62
#  9 E1    G3    3      2.28
# 10 E1    G4    1     NA   
# # … with 410 more rows
  • New functions freq_table() and freq_hist() to create frequency tables and histograms, respectively.

    • Qualitative or continuous-discrete variables
fq_quali <- 
  mtcars |> 
  as_integer(gear) |> 
#    gear abs_freq abs_freq_ac rel_freq rel_freq_ac
# 1     3       15          15    0.469       0.469
# 2     4       12          27    0.375       0.844
# 3     5        5          32    0.156       1.000
# 4 Total       32          32    1.000       1.000

# histogram

  • Continuous variables
# default number of classes [sqrt(n)]
fq_quanti <- 
  mtcars |> 
# Warning: An empty class is not advised. Try to reduce the number of classes with
# the `k` argument
#               class abs_freq abs_freq_ac rel_freq rel_freq_ac
# 1 1.122 |---  1.904        3           3    0.094       0.094
# 2 1.904 |---  2.686        6           9    0.188       0.281
# 3 2.686 |---  3.468       12          21    0.375       0.656
# 4  3.468 |---  4.25        8          29    0.250       0.906
# 5  4.25 |---  5.032        0          29    0.000       0.906
# 6 5.032 |---| 5.814        3          32    0.094       1.000
# 7             Total       32          32    1.000       1.000

# change the number of classes
fq_quanti2 <- 
  mtcars |> 
  freq_table(wt, k = 5)
#               class abs_freq abs_freq_ac rel_freq rel_freq_ac
# 1 1.024 |---  2.002        4           4    0.125       0.125
# 2  2.002 |---  2.98        8          12    0.250       0.375
# 3  2.98 |---  3.958       16          28    0.500       0.875
# 4 3.958 |---  4.936        1          29    0.031       0.906
# 5 4.936 |---| 5.914        3          32    0.094       1.000
# 6             Total       32          32    1.000       1.000


Minor improvements

  • Improve the control over highlighted individuals in plot_scores(), such as shape, alpha, color, and size.
  • Fix bug with x.lab and y.lab from plot_scores(). Now it accepts an object from expression()
# WAASB model
model <- waasb(data_ge,
               env = ENV,
               gen = GEN,
               rep = REP,
               resp = GY)
# Evaluating trait GY |============================================| 100% 00:00:01 
# Method: REML/BLUP
# Random effects: GEN, GEN:ENV
# Fixed effects: ENV, REP(ENV)
# Denominador DF: Satterthwaite's method
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# P-values for Likelihood Ratio Test of the analyzed traits
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#     model       GY
#  COMPLETE       NA
#       GEN 1.11e-05
#   GEN:ENV 2.15e-11
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# All variables with significant (p < 0.05) genotype-vs-environment interaction

# PC1 x PC1
p1 <- plot_scores(model, type = 2)

p2 <- plot_scores(model,
                 type = 3, 
                 x.lab = expression(Grain~yield~(kg~ha^{-1})),
                 highlight = c("G2", "G3", "G8"), #highlight genotypes
                 col.alpha.env = 0.5, # alpha for environments
                 col.alpha.gen = 0, # remove the other genotypes
                 col.env = "gray", # color for environment point
                 col.segm.env = "gray", # color for environment segment
                 plot_theme = theme_metan_minimal()) # theme

arrange_ggplot(p1, p2)

  • get_model_data() now includes new options coefs, and anova for objects computed with ge_reg().
reg <- ge_reg(data_ge2,
             env = ENV,
             gen = GEN,
             rep = REP,
             resp = PH)
# Evaluating trait PH |============================================| 100% 00:00:00 
get_model_data(reg, what = "coefs")
# Class of the model: ge_reg
# Variable extracted: coefs
# # A tibble: 13 × 11
#    TRAIT GEN      b0    b1 `t(b1=1)`[,1] pval_t[,1]   s2di `F(s2di=0)`    pval_f
#    <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>         <dbl>      <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>
#  1 PH    H1     2.62 0.806       -0.997    0.321    0.0710       10.5    7.56e-5
#  2 PH    H10    2.31 1.22         1.12     0.265    0.0318        5.25   6.85e-3
#  3 PH    H11    2.39 1.08         0.411    0.682    0.0278        4.71   1.12e-2
#  4 PH    H12    2.44 0.465       -2.75     0.00711  0.0676       10.0    1.10e-4
#  5 PH    H13    2.54 0.306       -3.57     0.000558 0.0609        9.15   2.31e-4
#  6 PH    H2     2.60 0.963       -0.188    0.851    0.0815       11.9    2.41e-5
#  7 PH    H3     2.59 1.35         1.83     0.0711   0.0898       13.0    9.95e-6
#  8 PH    H4     2.58 1.27         1.38     0.171    0.0515        7.89   6.71e-4
#  9 PH    H5     2.57 1.17         0.887    0.378    0.0159        3.13   4.84e-2
# 10 PH    H6     2.56 0.936       -0.330    0.742    0.0481        7.44   9.94e-4
# 11 PH    H7     2.40 0.992       -0.0393   0.969    0.0328        5.38   6.09e-3
# 12 PH    H8     2.33 1.01         0.0720   0.943    0.0767       11.3    4.03e-5
# 13 PH    H9     2.36 1.42         2.18     0.0317   0.0212        3.84   2.49e-2
# # … with 2 more variables: RMSE <dbl>, R2 <dbl>
get_model_data(reg, what = "anova")
# Class of the model: ge_reg
# Variable extracted: anova
# # A tibble: 20 × 7
#    TRAIT SV                       Df `Sum Sq` `Mean Sq` `F value`    `Pr(>F)`
#    <chr> <chr>                 <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
#  1 PH    "Total"                  51   15.0      0.294     NA     NA         
#  2 PH    "GEN"                    12    1.86     0.155      0.870  0.585     
#  3 PH    "ENV + (GEN x ENV)"      39   13.1      0.336     NA     NA         
#  4 PH    "ENV (linear)"            1    7.72     7.72      NA     NA         
#  5 PH    " GEN x ENV (linear)"    12    0.755    0.0629     0.352  0.969     
#  6 PH    "Pooled deviation"       26    4.64     0.179     NA     NA         
#  7 PH    "H1"                      2    0.471    0.235     10.5    0.0000756 
#  8 PH    "H10"                     2    0.236    0.118      5.25   0.00685   
#  9 PH    "H11"                     2    0.211    0.106      4.71   0.0112    
# 10 PH    "H12"                     2    0.450    0.225     10.0    0.000110  
# 11 PH    "H13"                     2    0.410    0.205      9.15   0.000231  
# 12 PH    "H2"                      2    0.534    0.267     11.9    0.0000241 
# 13 PH    "H3"                      2    0.584    0.292     13.0    0.00000995
# 14 PH    "H4"                      2    0.354    0.177      7.89   0.000671  
# 15 PH    "H5"                      2    0.140    0.0701     3.13   0.0484    
# 16 PH    "H6"                      2    0.334    0.167      7.44   0.000994  
# 17 PH    "H7"                      2    0.241    0.121      5.38   0.00609   
# 18 PH    "H8"                      2    0.505    0.253     11.3    0.0000403 
# 19 PH    "H9"                      2    0.172    0.0861     3.84   0.0249    
# 20 PH    "Pooled error"           96    2.15     0.0224    NA     NA



To cite metan in your publications, please, use the official reference paper:

Olivoto, T., and Lúcio, A.D. (2020). metan: an R package for multi-environment trial analysis. Methods Ecol Evol. 11:783-789 doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13384

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

author = {Tiago Olivoto and Alessandro Dal'Col L{'{u}}cio},
title = {metan: an R package for multi-environment trial analysis},
journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution},
volume = {11},
number = {6},
pages = {783-789},
year = {2020},
doi = {10.1111/2041-210X.13384},
Adjunct Professor

I’m an agronomist who loves researching, teaching, and playing guitar. Some of my most important proposals were planned while listening to old Brazilian country music
