path analysis

metan 1.17.0 is now available!

Find out what comes with metan 1.17.0'

Sequential path analysis with {metan} R package

The new function path_analysis_seq() in {metan} can performs a sequential path analysis, a path analysis with two sets of predictors.

Metan: an r package for multi‐environment trial analysis

Multi-environment trials (MET) are crucial steps in plant breeding programs that aim at increasing crop productivity to ensure global food security. The analysis of MET data requires the combination of several approaches including data manipulation, …

Correlations and path analysis in sunflower grown at lower elevations

Sunflower cultivation has great importance in Brazil, mainly for production of oil and animal feed. Studies on sunflower cultivar selection are important for crop expansion, contributing to better cultivar adaptation to different environments. Thus, …

Performance agron\^omica e correla\cc\~ao linear entre componentes de rendimento da soja em segunda safra agronomic performance and linear correlation between yield traits in second-harvest soybean

Interference of sample size on multicollinearity diagnosis in path analysis

The objective of this work was to evaluate the interference of sample size on multicollinearity diagnosis in path analysis. From the analyses of productive traits of cherry tomato, two Pearson correlation matrices were obtained, one with severe …

Path analysis and phenotypic correlation among yield components of soybean using environmental stratification methods

The main aim of this study was to investigate the phenotypic correlation of yield component traits using several environmental stratifications methods. We also aimed to propose cause and effect of relationships for grain yield components in soybean …

Path analysis of grain yield associated characters in brazilians wheat genotypes (triticum aestivum l.)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the phenotypic interrelation among agronomic characters associated with wheat grain yield of the main Brazilian cultivated genotypes through path analysis in two environments. The tests were conducted in Tenente …

Reml/blup and sequential path analysis in estimating genotypic values and interrelationships among simple maize grain yield-related traits

An\'alise de trilha para caracteres relacionados ao crescimento de mudas de pepineiro

A \'area foliar expressa import\^ancia na determina\cc\~ao do potencial produtivo das culturas, sendo determinante na absor\cc\~ao de radia\cc\~ao fotossinteticamente ativa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi revelar as associa\cc\~oes fenot\'ipicas entre …