data analysis

metan 1.16.0 is now available!

Find out the news in metan v1.16.0

metan 1.13.0 available now!

Find out the features included in metan v1.13.0

metan v1.11.0 now on CRAN

Find out the changes made in the v1.11.0 of metan package

metan v1.10.0 now on CRAN

Find out the changes made in the v1.10.0 of metan package

metan: an R package for multi‐environment trial analysis

The reference article of the r pakage metan

MGIDI: towards an effective multivariate selection in biological experiments

Multi-trait selection in biological experiments

A brief history about the R package metan

From my first foray into R language to the published version on CRAN. Find out here, how the project metan was born.