
metan 1.17.0 is now available!

Find out what comes with metan 1.17.0'

Organizando o currículo Lattes

Neste post, apresento uma planilha baseada na linguagem VBA-Excel para gerenciamento e organização do currículo lattes.

Sequential path analysis with {metan} R package

The new function path_analysis_seq() in {metan} can performs a sequential path analysis, a path analysis with two sets of predictors.

metan 1.16.0 is now available!

Find out the news in metan v1.16.0

The R package pliman

You provide color palettes, tell pliman what each one represents, and it takes care of the details

metan 1.13.0 available now!

Find out the features included in metan v1.13.0

metan v1.11.0 now on CRAN

Find out the changes made in the v1.11.0 of metan package

Em direção a uma seleção multivariada eficaz em experimentos biológicos

Encontre mais detalhes sobre o índice MGIDI

Toward an effective multivariate selection in biological experiments

Find out more about the MGIDI index

Multivariate index for analysis of biological experiments

The MGIDI index can be used to an effective multivariate selection in biological experiments, which is included (but not limited to) genotype selection in plant breeding and treatment recomendation in (un)replicated experiments.